朋友,这太长了,我用有道翻译的,你自己把他们连接起来吧,尽力了,祝你好运! 电路、pefecture、县等。
在这本书中,我是属E.A.Kracke和其他术语翻译陆,用于唱给识别管理单位大约相当于现代省,作为“电路”,而在使用“县”作为一种综合性的术语,接下来的最高层次的政府,这个数字相当于明和Ch点,但在唱'ing赋包括四种不同形式,称为福(“优越县”),丑(“正规县”),吴尊(军事县),简(工业县)。(见E.A.Kracke、公务员早在唱,p . 48人。中国开会时所需要的是普通术语exress类别的一般administrabive这四样属于,经常有绝招是诉诸的话在更早的时期,春已经确认是由一种相似但正式截然不同的单位通常翻译成“commandery”。在唱的词显示在文本具有更一般的意义,我把它也为“地”。
下面我离弃Kracke prefeecture对渲染成仙,最低的单位定期官员被emloyed的管理,作为“县”比“subprefecture " . 这符合惯例明,研究气'ing朝代以及避免Ch的混淆'ing单位常用的称为“subprefecture”,它是相当困难的事情。在县,在唱,是香,我翻译为“广州”,证明布莱恩。麦奈特还有最低的行政单位出现在唱的来源Fuchou:涂。这个字在的缩写。“高贵tu-pao后卫”,一个单位的pao-chia警察和相互的监视系统中、后期北唱。原来,组织单位包括固定数量的家庭(500,在Fu-chou),中期,当唱南部词第一次出现在Fu-chou技术——这一点改变了成为一个行政单位地理。(这个过程中看到pp.75-8•麦克耐特说道一个良好的英语等价物是难以找到。“优越gurad”本身看起来的那样
一万字一般的合同1500左右吧 还给发票,可以在公司冲账
ps:我也开过翻译公司= =
I'm the English teacher of XX, who have holden the position of section monitor in English. As his English teacher, I recommend XX to your school / college /university in cordiality.
XX is a boy of bright and cheerful disposition. He is active partaking in the activities in the class, which makes our English class lively and colorful. Being quick and rich witted, he often put forward his original opinion on questions that could not be solved by other students, making us feel novel and fresh.
In studying, XX gets fabulous records. He excels others and act as an example for others in all subjects.
In working, XX would like to take care of my problems. With his help, I could get more information about other students and improve my teaching.
Every time I assign a new task, he can energetically fulfil it and give sound and practical advices to perfectify our work and improve the process.
Out of class, XX is a so friendly classmate that he mixes well with other students and helps to resolve contradictions. His management with the capacity of monitor makes our class harmonious.
In sum, XX is a student with excellent capable and integrated development. I believe that his full potential will be realised at your school (college) , and by his talents he might distinguish himself.
She,Taihu Lake, is always so quiet, soft and beautiful. In the dawn,when you are rowing a boat on it ,you can find the white and dim vapor rising from the lake, just like being from her nose. At midday,a few boats with the white sails appear on the lake,gradually,some leaving from your sight but some getting near you, as if many lotus blossoms are blooming on her face. At sunset, many boats turn up in sight, returning with fruitful results.The orange sunset is reflecting off the lake water , a wonderful red , just like her face blushes. She,Taihu Lake, a mother with lots of sons and daughters in the watery region in South,who feeds generation and generation,in obscurity.
Did you know? I always love you. . .
I know , we like two parallel lines
Never have a knot. . .
Do you remember that year, you was singing to my ears
Do you remember that year, you wrote a song for me.
Do you remember that year,you spoke jokes for me.
I remember these. . .
Do you still remember these?
Do you know, you are the first boy whom i draw at hand, not wipe it but say beautiful.
Do you know,you are the first boy who sings my favorite song for me.
. . . . . .
when i talked to you in my brave, you say that we can only be friends
But. . .
You also said that you and her is the real lover
well,who am i?
Now,you say that you do not want to fall in love because of deep hurt.
But ,you did not hurt others?
I can only gaze at you quietly when you are hurt every time
I am afraid ,I am afraid I will fall in love with you again.
I do my best to press my emotion.
I can't help myself to wipe you tears when you are heart-broken.
I know I am not qualified
Really know. .
Now , wish you happy is the only thing i can do
. . . . . .
访客 评论于 2022-07-09 07:39:13 回复
o friendly classmate that he mixes well with other students and helps to resolve contradictions. His
访客 评论于 2022-07-09 04:32:00 回复
remember that year, you was singing to my earsDo you remember that year, you wrote a song for me.Do you reme